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About Us

It is our mission to end and prevent homelessness in Santa Cruz County.

For over 25 years, Families In Transition has been serving members of Santa Cruz County by providing temporary rental assistance and case management to families who are unstably housed or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.


Our case managers work closely with program participants to identify challenges to housing stability and come up with individualized housing stability plans to ensure client success.


founders of Families In Transition of Santa Cruz County

FIT Founding Fathers & Mothers:

Bill Watts, Desiree Sanchez,

Jim Narragon, & Irma Perez


Fit Staff

Mission Statement

To join with other service providers in a community-wide effort to end and prevent homelessness in Santa Cruz County. Toward this end, Families In Transition works in partnership with families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless with housing opportunities and by providing participants with referrals to employment, training and educational resources to assist them in becoming both self-reliant and interdependent members of the community.

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406 Main St. #326, Watsonville, CA 95076

Tel: 831-728-9791

Fax: 831-728-9793


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